August. I cannot believe it is here. Just a month ago, I was sharing my vision of Bahorich Abode with you. It has only solidified and my wheels are turning. God's words are strong and direct about where He wants me to go, and where I am focused. But let's look back for a second, and remember how to...
- Make Firecracker Cookies for the 4th of July (or Labor Day!)
- Find the Time
- Exercise Poolside
- Try New Things this Summer
- Find Time for Yourself Today
- Make Frozen Blueberry Coconut Yogurt Pie
- Eat Foods to Help Hair Growth
- Reflect on those that are Inspiring You
As for August... well, I was not going to write up August goals. I did not really have any specific goals and I believed making them up for the sake of writing them was just silly.
But as the day has gone by, I thought of some things that really are motivating. Focused. Intentional. God-centered. So I assume I would share them with you.
#4weekfitness. My husband and I are heading into the gym all month. Although summertime is typically easy to be fit... or easier, our motivation is lost somewhere in between our commute and renovation. The gym has never really been easier for us to go, but 5 a.m. is never quite "ideal". If I cannot go to the gym, I give up for the day. Ring in the towel. Start again the next day... ha! So we made a pact to due four straight weeks of fitness. It could be a video, or an evening active at the park, or even the gym... but for four weeks we will exercise. Also, (bonus) in about five weeks, we are heading to the lake with our dear friends for Labor Day weekend. If you want to follow my fitness journey, hop on over to my Twitter.
Throw a dinner party. Our house is not near complete, but with renovations coming to a close on our main floor, I am getting antsy to have some people over. I never want our house to be about perfection anyways. Being present over perfect is so much more important. So... there may not be outlet covers on everything and our bookshelves may not be built. But there are dining room chairs and a table. A working stove and a back porch. That's really all you need.
Read. In the past month, I have purchased more books than I really want to admit. I have been reading a lot this year, but to be honest, my Amazon Prime-ing was on full speed ahead. With the desire to just be intentional with my life, habits, and community... and my love for hospitality and dinner parties, I really just need to get my butt in gear and pick up a new book. I am hoping to get through three, but two would be okay as well. Here's my reading order: The Good Neighbor Cookbook, From Tablet to Table: Where Community Is Found and Identity Is Formed
, Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living
, How to Eat: The Pleasures and Principles of Good Food, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
, and The 4-Hour Workweek
. Okay, I know that is a lot... But I have to start somewhere, right?
On top of that, we have our first ever membership meeting at our church plant! Whoot whoot! Two weddings. Three community/church activities. And the OutCry concert! Such a busy month. What are your goals for this month?