Week 38 Bumpdate
size of the baby :: Leek!?
total weight gain :: 28 pounds
gender :: Baby boy!
maternity clothes :: Still in maternity shorts and tank tops!
nursery :: There's about two items that still need to be placed on the wall. So close!
movement :: Tons. And you would think he would running out of room...
sleep :: Not much has really changed. My nightly heartburn has turned into more of a puke-y feeling in the middle of the night. I asked my doctor around tips for better sleep and he just mentioned that I had hit what he calls the "miserable stage" and I would do the best if I just found myself a pool to hang out in. Miserable sounds extreme, and I can't imagine my neighbors enjoying me sleeping in their pool every night (beyond the obvious safety reasons why that sounds silly)...
missing :: Deli sandwiches. Seriously I want a deli sandwich the moment this kid decides to greet us.
craving :: Still on the fruit kick! Add apples and bananas to the mix. I also got the motivation to make omelet muffins. So good..
symptoms :: Headaches. Pelvic pain. 4am feeling like I'm going to puke...
duston is :: Finishing up the house and taking the time to make me feel special, which is awesome.
looking forward to :: We really only have a handful of "to-do's" left on our list, and honestly, nothing is left to do that couldn't wait. We have freezer meals stocked. Hospital bags packed. Almost an entire nursery decorated. Looking forward to just really meeting our boy.
best moments :: We have had a fairly eventful week. We spent time with family on Saturday, rested super well on Sunday and tackled a good chunk of our to-do list, spent time with friends the past two nights, and have something every night for the next week! Nothing stressful, and honestly, I hope it make our time waiting fly by fast as we enjoy our last few days as just the two of us!