Week 20 Bumpdate
size of the baby :: Banana
total weight gain :: 4 pounds
gender :: Little gal
maternity clothes :: I keep wanting to buy clothes... but let's be honest. I have plenty. It is just getting cold outside and really my maternity tops still feel too big and my regular sweater make me look more chubby than pregnant. It's just a phase, I know.
movement :: Every night like clockwork she is kicking up a storm.
sleep :: This week has been okay. Sleep is still not great, but it's better than last week.
missing :: Not really anything this week!
craving :: Nothing really.
symptoms :: Not true symptoms... however, the stomach flu has made it through our house this week and caused a few hiccups in our normal routine. We canceled a holiday trunk show at our house and moved our small group to another house. I ended up getting it twice and it hit me far harder than the rest of the house because of the pregnancy.
duston is :: Still recovering from the flu himself!
looking forward to :: Getting back to normal. A few days of laying around this house and I feel like we have been cooped in too long. We needed the rest but I just do not sit still very well.
best moments :: We had a great family day on Saturday before the flu storm. We had some good quality times with friends, neighbors, and time just for ourselves as well!