Bump Date :: 23 weeks

Week 23 Bumpdate

size of the baby :: Ear of Corn

total weight gain :: 8 pounds -- Thanksgiving got me rolling. šŸ™‚

gender :: Girl!

maternity clothes :: I panicked with Black Friday sales and splurged a bit on some belly support and postpartum gear. Mainly still in maternity jeans and normal tops on a day-to-day.

movement :: Lots. Especially at night.

sleep :: It's really hit and miss. I didn't do well most of the week, but then had a great day.. and then another bad one... and another good one.

missing :: Regular clothes. Target is killing me once again. I have decided as much as I dislike winter attire in general, maternity winter attire is much worse. I find a shirt I like, and realize I like it because the girl doesn't look pregnant in the stock photo. Sigh...

craving :: Mexican. I could eat it everyday.

symptoms :: I went for a walk on Monday and had some major hip pains. They quit after awhile but have flared up here and there since then. I have been sporting my Bao Bei Maternity sports wrap on most day to help with this and working through my Expecting and Empowered workout guides but still hurting quite a bit.

duston is :: Working hard for that money. Ha! In all seriousness, we did spend quite a bit of time prepping in the basement this weekend for some wall repairs and saved a ton of money on lights during a Black Friday sale.

looking forward to :: Holiday season is in full swing -- which means there are tons of parties and gatherings. Although I like the hustle and bustle, I find the colder it gets and the more pregnant I get, I just want to be a homebody. Good thing I work from home...

best moments :: We really enjoyed the holidays with our family. We visited and shopped and relaxed. It was really a great time.

xoxo, Heather

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