Week 38 Bumpdate
size of the baby :: Leek!?
total weight gain :: 25 pounds
gender :: Baby girl!
maternity clothes :: Moved into the husband's shorts! Haha.
nursery :: There's about two items that still need to be placed on the wall. So close!
movement :: Tons. And you would think she would running out of room...
sleep :: Not much has really changed. My nightly heartburn has turned into more of a puke-y feeling in the middle of the night. Not nearly as bad as with Ollie but still... it's there.
missing :: Deli anything. It's bad.
craving :: Still on the fruit kick! Add apples and bananas to the mix.
symptoms :: Headaches. Pelvic pain. Super emotional. Insomnia. 4am feeling like I'm going to puke... Ha. I sound like so much fun.
looking forward to :: We really only have a handful of "to-do's" left on our list, and honestly, nothing is left to do that couldn't wait. We have freezer meals stocked. Hospital bags 50% packed. Almost an entire nursery decorated. Looking forward to just really meeting our girl.