How to Order Large Engineer Prints for $8 or Less!

Have you ever used Engineer Prints?

They’ve been a staple in my decorating for the last 10 years because they’re so inexpensive!

What is an Engineer Print?

Engineer prints are large prints on regular thin printer paper (not thick card stock or matte paper) and cost only a few dollars. They’re available in black and white, which is a little cheaper, or color for a few dollars more.

Previously, you could use engineer prints for photos. However, many places like Staples are restricting this use because it consumes a lot of ink and is expensive for them.

Color Engineer Print

Since policies vary, it’s worth calling your local Staples or other office supply store to see if they’ll still print photos on engineer prints.

If they do, that’s fantastic. If not, there are countless other uses for engineer prints. For simpler art, such as free book quote art prints, engineer prints are perfect.

I’ve used our local print store engineering prints for a variety of projects:

  • Book quotes
  • A stencil for a colorful world map
  • Holiday prints, such as a large Christmas print
  • Big summer calendars

The point is, I LOVE engineer prints.

Where to Order Engineer Prints

For me, I have always had great luck with local print shops. If you use them regularly for holiday cards, birthday invitations, and more, they treat you well. If it is your first time engaging with them, I suggesting putting in the extra effort and stopping in to meet the owners and talk about what you are trying to do. Many of these businesses have been around years and years, with an established local client base. If they know you are local and looking to support the community and local businesses as well, they will treat you as such. Alternatively, you can typically email these businesses and introduce yourself. I can imagine how many of the print shops in my area run... those emails find their way into a spam or junk folder as they are hard to tell if you are real or an overseas bot. It is always preferred to call or stop in to make a local connection in your community.

If you are looking for something that you can submit online, Office Depot and Staples also offers them for the same price (though for a 24×36 print, you can only get it delivered, not in-store).

FedEx Kinkos also offers engineer prints, but they’re slightly more expensive (about $11 for a 24×36 black and white print, compared to $7-8 at Staples).

Some stores may refer to them as Blueprints, Construction Prints, or Architectural Prints instead of Engineering Prints.

The latest calendar I posted on Instagram was a black-and-white engineering print sized at 48" by 36". It's huge and I love it. Some of my fonts were a bit thin so the printing isn't perfect in every which way; however, it is a temporary print for a season and only cost me EIGHT DOLLARS. I'll take it!

xoxo, Heather

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