How when you struggle to nurse and you bob your head, then discover where you need to be and smash your face into me
Your morning stretches as if you've been asleep for years
Your forehead wrinkles
Your expressive eyebrows
Your squeaks in the middle of your cries
Your quivering lip, especially your first week of life
How your cries sometime sound like Sesame Street character, the Count
How do you used our pinky fingers as a pacifier for the first two weeks of your life, and we were able to make everything better with just that
How you adore your Wubbanub Monkey and hold it tight
How pitiful your little feet looked with all those picks and prodes from testing at the hospital
How it took almost three weeks for your bacon strip (umbilical cord) to fall off
How quickly your head healed after vacuum birth injured it so badly
How your daddy holds you tight when you are upset and sings goofy, made-up songs until you fall asleep
How hard you suck on your pacifier, enough to hear you squeaking from the other room
How much you love your bath time, but really hate getting out
How we still don’t know where all that dark hair comes from, and how you have so much hair when your mom and dad were both born basically bald
How much you have melted and molded our hearts, changed our lives, and we never want to look back