month one: what I hope I never forget

How relieved you were when you finally entered the world eating and breathing on your own

How wide eyed and alert you've been your entire life

How much you want to eat... which is basically all of the time

The amount of sleep (or how little) you seem to like in the evening

How much your brother wants to help, kiss you, and needs to know where you are at all times

Your squeaks in the middle of your cries

How you adore your Wubbanubs and hold them tight

How calm and mild tempered you are

Your grunts in the middle of your sleep

How much you love your bath time, but really hate getting out

How we still don’t know where all that dark hair comes from, the same dark hair your brother had when he was born, and how you have so much hair when your mom and dad were both born basically bald

How much you have melted and molded our hearts, changed our lives, and we never want to look back

xoxo, Heather

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