How I Plan to Explore More

How We Plan to Explore More in 2023

We are nearly half way through the first month of the year, and I have finally discovered my "One Little Word" for 2023 - Explore. Last week, I talked about…

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Goal Setting in 2023

One Little Word: Explore

: to travel to a new place to learn about it or become familiar with it: to inquire into or discuss (a subject or issue) in detail: to think about…

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What I Read in 2022

From laundry learning to time management, team build and money habits, fostering, parenting, and friendships... 2022 had its array of titles and authors and subjects. I set out in 2022…

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Reflecting on 2022

It is the space in between Christmas and New Years that I love the most. It's chaotic. It's peaceful. It's messy. It's a fresh start. It's all of those things…

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Gut Health for This Upcoming Fall

Ah summer... it's over. Sadly. Summer is by far our most wonderful time of the year in the Bahorich household; however, as back-to-school season and fall approaches us, I know…

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Ever Tried Scratch Art?

Trying to beat the heat this summer? Here’s your Tip Tuesday to snag yourself some of these ScatchIt! by Creative Arts! With Midwest temperatures shooting up to well over 100 degrees this…

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