Interested in Oils? Start Here.

Y'all know that I am an oily gal. Or if you didn't, you do now.

I have gotten so many questions around essential oils lately that I wanted to be able to break it down for you the easiest way I know how - a blog post! Young Living essential oils have been a ginormous blessing to my family and I cannot express enough how much education about the world around me that this journey has provided. It has helped us learn to do life better and smarter, thus putting me on a mission to share what I have learn around the world.

There are so many stories that I can share one-on-one, so always feel free to reach out to me via Instagram, meet me up for coffee, or message me through here. I would love to chat with you about what I have learned about the products in our homes and better choices that you can make for your family.

But I am probably getting ahead of myself... let's just start with the essentials about essential oils.



I was there once... I started with essential oils a little over three years ago looking for something better for our home. I was done. Done with artificial fragrance that gave me headaches, cancer-causing chemicals in our cleaning supplies, and an endless supply of acne medicine that wasn't doing a darn thing. So I tried something else.

Oils? I'm not a hippie, and if you had asked me three years ago, if I would have considered making my own shampoos and cleansing my armpits with mud masks... honestly, I'm still laughing today. That totally sounds hippie to me, but oils changed us.

So what are essential oils? How can you use them? What are some of the most popular oils and what do they exactly do? Does it really matter where I get them? Can't you just buy them anywhere? How do I know who to trust?

Don't worry. You don't need to know everything to get started. I didn't when I started three years ago. It takes time to learn anything, and I'm here to answer all of your questions and help you get started on your oily journey.

The best way to learn about the top 11 oils to start out with is from my gal, Healthier Hannah. These oils are the most popular and how I got my start into oils as well!

There is so much to learn about oils, but don't worry. I want to be here to help you learn along the way. If you are interested in learning more now or getting started today, click here for more information or to join our team!


Essential oils are the aromatic, volatile liquids distilled from plants. The oil can be obtained from the roots, seeds, shrub, flowers, leaves, and trees and bring health and healing to the body. The chemistry is extremely complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds.

Oils were mankind's first means of wellness and are in fact mentioned all throughout scripture. The oils are very powerful which is why they are able to reach every part of our bodies on a cellular level. Within minutes of using or breathing in an oil, the can be found in every organ in your body!

The fragrance of the oils work on the limbic system in the brain where emotions are stored and can help relax and clear the mind as well as release motional trauma (this emotional stuff is huge for our overall wellness). They can have profound physiological and psychological effects as well!

They can reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when applied topically to the body, eliminate toxins in your body, regenerate DNA, pass the "blood-brain" barrier, work on emotions via the limbic system of your brain when inhaled, release emotional trauma, relax and clear the mind, transport nutrients to starving human cells, act as powerful antioxidants, increase atmospheric oxygen, remove toxins in the air, and increase ozone and negative ions in the area which Inuit bacterial growth.



Diffusing essential oils is a perfect way to improve your home, work, or living environment. Diffusing can purify the air and neutralize mildew, cigarette smoke or other odors as well as protect you and your family form harmful things we breathe in the air. Aromatic use can also help with mood regulation.


Direct application onto the skin is one of the easiest ways to use essential oils. It is also a highly effective method since essential oils can easily pass through the lips membranes of cell walls. They are able to penetrate cells and disperse throughout the body within minutes. The bottom of the feet is a good place to apply oils directly because many nerve endings are found there and the pores of the skin are large in that area.


Young Living's Vitality line is a line of dietary oils, all safe and intended for internal use. To ingest essential oils, try the following:
- Make a capsule using empty vegetable capsules. Fill it with carrier oil and swallow!
- Try a drop or two (start slow!) in your water, Ningxia Red, smoothies, cocktails, and other drinks.
- Use in your cooking in placement of or addition to herbs, spices, and citrus zest.




That's honestly a loaded question. When I started with oils over three years ago, it wasn't nearly as trendy. You couldn't walk into Target or Kohls and find a decorative diffuser or oils on the shelves. It has definitely became a fad, but with fads come products that not nearly the amount of quality in them. Enter Young Living.

I did a lot research before I bought my kit and the major companies that exist today are still out there; however, the Seed to Seal Promise is what sold me.

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Young Living

  1. Young Living is the only essential oil company that OWNS their own farms or partners with farms that are willing to live up to their standards for growing, harvesting, and distilling.
  2. Essential oils sold in most health food stores are aroma-grade or fragrance-grade oils and wile they do smell good, they don't offer the same therapeutic and medicinal benefits. These oils my have an essential oil base, but may contain additives, fillers, and synthetics to increase volume or fragrance. Pure essential oils contain all desired therapeutic compounds – nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Most essential oils have expiration dates; Young Living oils do not. 100% pure essential oils (excluding citrus) will last indefinitely if properly stored away from heat and sunlight.
  4. Young Living has been producing the finest quality oils for over 20 years and with over 180 different oils, they have the greatest selection of singles and blends of any essential oil company. But, if an oil doesn't pass Young Living's strict quality standards, they won't offer it for sale so sometimes not all of these oils are available until they product more. Click here for a sneak at the full product guide from Young Living.
  5. Young Living uses the finest production practices in the industry. They distill oils once at low temperatures and pressures, using chemical-free water and medical-grade stainless steal distillers.
  6. Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world with a seed to seal process since the control every single aspect of production.
  7. Anyone can visit the Young Living farms around the globe and participate in the harvest and distillation process. We highly recommend this experience! No other essential oil company owns their own farms and can offer this opportunity.
  8. Young Living oils meet all industry AFNOR and ISO standards and are subjected to Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) analysis which determines whether a particular essential oil is naturally sourced or synthetic (created in a lab).
  9. There are no minimum sales or purchase requirements for Young Living members. EVER. The only thing you have to do to keep your membership active is to place $50 in order per year.
  10. We saved the best for last: Oil Empowered. Our exclusive Facebook community is for anyone who uses, or is curious about using Young Living oils. Our community of oil lovers makes learning how to integrate essential oils into your life both easy and fun!



The absolute best way to get started with essential oils is with the premium starter kit!

In addition to the 12 essential oils (scroll to see the break down), you will receive a whole bunch of goodies!

A Diffuser!
It's kind of like a candle, minus the flam and horrible toxins! You fill it with water and add whatever oil you want to it. Then hit the button and let it run! All the good smells plus added health benefits. This is definitely one of my favorite ways to use oils and we have one in almost every single room of our home.

Thieves Household Cleaner Sample
Enough to make an entire bottle of our favorite plant-based (toxin-free) cleaner! We've replaced every single cleaner in our home with this baby!

Thieves Hand Sanitizer
This little guy lives in our diaper bag, purse, gym bag, car, and every place in between. Stop disinfecting with chemicals and use a better option with this wonder!

Ningxia Red Packets
Young Living's antioxidant drink. Perfect for boosting your immune system!

A Roller Top
Place on any oil that you would love to roll on all the time. The most popular choices are Stress Away and Panaway!

A 24% Discount
How awesome is that!?

Access to Our Incredible Community
Think giveaways, amazing education, and people to link are with on this wellness journey! It's hands-down the very best part of this whole thing!

xoxo, Heather

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